dental lab
CEREC design and milling is a great technology-based dental advancement. With this tool, we can provide patients with precise scans, digital molds, and same day restorations. Our staff at Kelly Smile Dentistry value being up to date in the latest in dental technology to assist us in providing elevated care. We can help you have the right restoration quickly and easily.

What is CEREC?

CEREC is an abbreviation for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. It is a computer-aided software for the design and manufacturing of dental restorations, using CAD/CAM technology. This system replaces the gummy molds that are traditionally taken; it also assists us in precise mapping for surgical planning including the placement of dental implants. Additionally, we can take that information and create a customized prosthodontic from ceramic material during your appointment cutting out the middleman of a dental lab.

Dental Mold

A dental mold is a valuable tool in dentistry; it allows us to communicate with the design lab for customized fabrication of a prosthodontic. The downside of traditional molds is they are uncomfortable to obtain, easy to break or lose, and can come with variables in precision. Having an impression taken for a digital mold eliminates all of these factors. Using both 3D digital radiographs and a digital camera, we can capture a precise view of all the layers in your mouth. These images can be seen in true 3D format, meaning your information is precise and customized to you. Once captured, these images will never be lost, they are saved in your digital file and can be shared with other professionals when necessary.

Treatment Planning

CEREC technology has greatly improved both information and conversation between our team and patients when creating a plan for surgical treatment. Together we can view soft and hard tissues, measure the thickness of bone and see the placement of nerves and blood vessels. This information is valuable when planning dental surgery including the surgical placement of dental implants.

Milling of Restorations

Traditional practice is to forward a detailed plan to a dental lab for the fabrication of inlays/onlays, dental crowns, and dental bridges. This means longer time to completion and an additional office visit. Having your restoration milled in office changes that. We can complete the entire restoration in one visit. Having your restoration fabricated in office takes less than an hour, and we can make any adjustments on the spot for a precise fit.

Ceramic Restorations

There are many options for materials used for dental restorations; patients can have them made of metal, porcelain, a combination of the two, and ceramic. CEREC milling begins with a ceramic block. Ceramic is a strong, tooth colored, material that is highly durable and depending on the location of the restoration; it is often a highly asked for option.

CEREC technology has changed dentistry, moving in a forward direction that is beneficial to our patients. We invite you to see the difference.